Day 6 = = = 4th of July!!!!
Nobody does 4th of July like small towns.
They’re PERFECT!
Per tradish – – we went into town {Cedar City} for our
pre-parade breakfast.
The kids caught candy at the parade….
….and got way too soaked.
{Note to self: Next year bring towels and a change of clothes.}
So much for curling London’s hair that morning…
Afterwards we headed over to my Uncle’s farm to see the animals…
….and then dropped by one of our favorite joints for lunch.
Joe can’t resist their fish-wiches.
These little nuggets of goodness are called English chips.
Oh heavens – – have you ever had them?
They are SO yummy.
Potatoes deep fried and dipped into fry sauce.
I ate way too many.
Afterwards we headed back up to the cabin and spent the rest of the afternoon BBQing with my dad’s side of the family and riding ATVs.
It’s SO fun to get together with family that we don’t see often enough. Our kids just instantly click each year.
The evening was capped off with s’mores by the fire.
London found it necessary to wear my shades
“to block the smoke”.
Smart cookie.
If you’ve never tried Reeses PB cups on your s’mores – – you need have to. NOW.
It’s pretty much life changing.

Marci, I love looking at your family vacation pictures. Do they rent these cabins out and where are they located? Thanks for sharing !!! April Lewis
Hi there! Yes the owners rent this cabin out and it is absolutely beautiful! It is located in Duck Creek Village, Utah {southern Utah} and you can check out the details here:
I can't do fish sandwiches either.. and I'm English!!
I too lI've small town parades.. our village only has 300 people but canada day Irs crowded people travel to come visit!!
Are your English chips like Utah's English chips, Heidi??? Fish Sandwiches = disgusting for sure!