Day 3 at the cabin brought us back down into town for some shopping {girls} and golfing {boys}.
I had promised London a ‘Girls Day’ and her first item of business was to buy an ‘Indian Jewelry’ ring.
This might just be my FAVORITE jewelry OF ALL TIME for little girls. When I was a baby – – my mom ALWAYS had an indian bracelet with turquoise {or any other type of stone} on my wrist. She passed that love onto me and as a result – – London always had a little bracelet on her wrist as well.
I also found it necessary to take photos of London by this white brick wall….
This last one’s my fave.
We shopped til we dropped {er…til the boys called us and told us they were done golfing} and then we all went to one of my VERY FAVORITE places to eat in Cedar City.
I told Joe that we really need to buy a franchise of this and open one up in Phoenix. {Sadly, I don’t think he agreed.}
Their salad bar is THE BEST EVER! And I mean…EVER!!!!
Let me tell you why:
* Their ranch
* They have PEELED SLICED cucumbers
* They have peas
*They have hard boiled SLICED eggs
*They have twisty noodles
* And sunflower seeds
Afterwards we drove around town and showed my kiddos the homes where my parents grew up.
{Fun fact: they were practically neighbors.}
The ‘Misel’ home where my mom grew up and where we would sometimes spend our summers.
I love this sweet house.
The college has since bought it – –
hence the name ‘Juliet’s Cottage’.
We rode back up the mountain with our windows down the entire time. It was bliss and the pine trees smelled JUST perfect!
The temps even dropped down 40 degrees and we ran into a GINORMOUS hail storm.
The rest of the evening was spent making and eating homemade guacamole {not me – – I’m deathly allergic!}
…along with puzzles, making beaded bracelets and learning how to play FARKLE.
{Whoever suggested this game to me – –
My bro was in charge of dinner and whipped up the YUMMIEST Terriyaki chicken.
He poured this bottle over frozen chicken breasts and cooked it in the crockpot all day.
This sauce is the bomb.
Have you ever tried it?
He bought it at Sprouts.
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