Last night we loaded the kiddies into the car and delivered our first batch of Christmas Neighbor gifts.
This year – – – it’s all about the BUTTER.
Honey Cinnamon Butter to be exact.
My recipe is quite simple {and tasty!}
I found these containers at the Dollar Tree – 5 in a package for a buck. SCORE. They’re the perfect size.
Easy peasy.
Tie around a bow and you’re
Oh and good news:
I’m selling my digital printable tags for YOU to use the idea!
Details HERE
Upon checkout – – just let me know your family name and I will send you the PDF file. There are 4 tags on 1 sheet and you can print them out HOWEVER many times you’d like!
How’s THAT for easy?
Side Note: You can print these labels out on sticker paper and place them right onto the lids.
Oh – – and as a little Christmas gift TO YOU – – I’m sharing my BUTTER recipe for you to enjoy and use!
Marci Coombs’
Honey Cinnamon Butter
1 pound butter, softened
1/4 cup honey
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Beat all together for about 5 minutes until well blended.

How much butter does it take to fill each container?
Each pound of butter fills about 2 1/2 of those plastic tubs. Hope this helps! xoxo
This is a wonderful idea. I am also looking for some low budget favors ideas with also some good company holiday party ideas for planning a unique party. Can you help me please?
Yet again…so cute!
Thanks Malena! xoxo
What a cute idea! I just love all your fun printables!
Thanks so much RuthAnne! Merry Christmas! xoxo