I’m a little bummed out that Easter is so dang early this year.
Just like a week left and then what…..? We don’t get to celebrate anything til summer!
Oh well.
I’ve got some cute decor up in my house and this makes me happy. I’ve basically decided – – I don’t care what holiday it is — I’m going to decorate for it. Decorating for holidays just adds that extra dose of cheer in your house, ya know?
Here are a few of my favorite spots:
That silver watering tin {or whatever you call it} was in the $ bins a few months back! LOVE putting flowers in it.
Easter tree from Pottery Barn.
{Purchased the day after Easter one year – typical fashion for me – as it was on clearance!}
Pink tray + jars from Target $ bins – – another score.
I don’t know who digs into the peanut butter M&Ms MORE.
Me? Or my kids?
I’m working so hard at that chalkboard art of mine.
Does anyone have any good tips?
{Bunny + basket from Hobby Lobby}.

You are my soul sister.. yes to everything you said lol