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Some of my sweet Young Women in front of the Mesa, AZ temple. |
Now that Christmas is officially over, I’ve FINALLY had some time to dig my feet into learning about the church’s new Youth Curriculum. I must say that when I first heard about this new change, I was a tad bit nervous. {I’m not a big fan of too much change!} But now that I’ve had the chance to start studying about it and watching the videos provided online…I am ECSTATIC and wonder why we haven’t been teaching like this ALL ALONG??
I’ll be posting my ideas and thoughts more as the year gets started.
{So many fun things to do and learn!}
For now, I thought I would share an email with you that I sent out to my fabulous leaders just last night. I just BARELY finished up our teaching schedule for the new year and if you’d like to see a copy of it to use as a guideline for your own group, please feel free to comment on here with your email address and I’d be happy to send you that along with some more details! It’s all a tad overwhelming at first but once I sat down and figured things a little more…I became at peace with how it all should happen!
I hope you find this email useful and please…contact me with any questions! I’m no pro by ANY MEANS but the power of social networking with questions and answers has helped me SO MUCH with my calling in the past! Again, my ideas are JUST SUGGESTIONS!
Ladies! Attached is a copy of the 2013
LESSON/TEACHING schedule. Please look it over as each month is a
little different, print it out and put it in your binders.
LESSON/TEACHING schedule. Please look it over as each month is a
little different, print it out and put it in your binders.
I have to admit. I was a little skeptical
{okay…nervous!} about the whole new teaching curriculum. It hasn’t been
until this past week where I’ve had the chance to sit down, ponder, and read
everything online about it. I must say….NOW I’M EXCITED about it!
I really am! I would ask each of you to sit down sometime during this
next week and go over it all yourselves too. IT IS ALL ONLINE!
Isn’t that fabulous? To get you started….would you please watch
at least a few of these videos found here?
{okay…nervous!} about the whole new teaching curriculum. It hasn’t been
until this past week where I’ve had the chance to sit down, ponder, and read
everything online about it. I must say….NOW I’M EXCITED about it!
I really am! I would ask each of you to sit down sometime during this
next week and go over it all yourselves too. IT IS ALL ONLINE!
Isn’t that fabulous? To get you started….would you please watch
at least a few of these videos found here?
By watching these videos…I really started to
grasp onto the concept of ‘Teaching like the Savior taught’ idea and it all
clicked in my head…like a lightbulb went off!! Like…why haven’t we been
doing this all along?
grasp onto the concept of ‘Teaching like the Savior taught’ idea and it all
clicked in my head…like a lightbulb went off!! Like…why haven’t we been
doing this all along?
Now, that said. It is going to take a lot of
preparation spiritually on your end, when it comes time to teach. I would
encourage you to start preparing at least the Sunday BEFORE you are
scheduled to teach…by praying about the material that you should discuss and
by studying the recommended scriptures for the following week.
preparation spiritually on your end, when it comes time to teach. I would
encourage you to start preparing at least the Sunday BEFORE you are
scheduled to teach…by praying about the material that you should discuss and
by studying the recommended scriptures for the following week.
Each month is given a specific topic to discuss.
As we meet together with ALL of the YW on fast Sundays, someone from the
Presidency will start out the month by introducing and teaching that topic.
Now, following that, I have given SUGGESTIONS for the following weeks as
what to follow up with. THIS IS JUST A GUIDELINE with outlines that I
have pulled from lds.org. You are encouraged to prepare and teach with
the sprit.
As we meet together with ALL of the YW on fast Sundays, someone from the
Presidency will start out the month by introducing and teaching that topic.
Now, following that, I have given SUGGESTIONS for the following weeks as
what to follow up with. THIS IS JUST A GUIDELINE with outlines that I
have pulled from lds.org. You are encouraged to prepare and teach with
the sprit.
Let me give you an example. For the month of
January – there are actually 5 outlines to choose from for the month but there
are actually only 3 Sunday’s where we’ll be meeting together, because of Ward
Conference. So…according to my ‘guideline’ the two outlines that were
left out on the teaching schedule were ‘What are the roles of the Holy Ghost’
and ‘Who am I, and who can I become’. Both VERY important topics.
So….if you look at the schedule and see that it is SUGGESTED that you
teach on ‘Why is Jesus Christ important in my life?’ BUT….you feel inspired
to teach on “What are the roles of the Holy Ghost’…because that is what
you feel your girls need to discuss…THEN PLEASE SWITCH AND TEACH on what you
feel prompted to teach on.
January – there are actually 5 outlines to choose from for the month but there
are actually only 3 Sunday’s where we’ll be meeting together, because of Ward
Conference. So…according to my ‘guideline’ the two outlines that were
left out on the teaching schedule were ‘What are the roles of the Holy Ghost’
and ‘Who am I, and who can I become’. Both VERY important topics.
So….if you look at the schedule and see that it is SUGGESTED that you
teach on ‘Why is Jesus Christ important in my life?’ BUT….you feel inspired
to teach on “What are the roles of the Holy Ghost’…because that is what
you feel your girls need to discuss…THEN PLEASE SWITCH AND TEACH on what you
feel prompted to teach on.
Does that make sense? I made up this lesson
schedule JUST as a guideline, to sort of get us going. It is up to you
though to go online…..check out each month….check out ALL OF THE
OUTLINES included for that month….and then go from there. All of
that info can be found here:
schedule JUST as a guideline, to sort of get us going. It is up to you
though to go online…..check out each month….check out ALL OF THE
OUTLINES included for that month….and then go from there. All of
that info can be found here:
If you look on the left hand side..it is all
organized according to each month and you just click on that month and it all
pops up. You will probably want to BOOKMARK this link as you will be
visiting it OFTEN this year! This is where you can also find all of the
scriptures to use as well as video and updated materials.
organized according to each month and you just click on that month and it all
pops up. You will probably want to BOOKMARK this link as you will be
visiting it OFTEN this year! This is where you can also find all of the
scriptures to use as well as video and updated materials.
PLEASE let me know if you have any questions at
all. We will discuss this a little further at our BOARD MEETING on
Jan. 14th at 9AM at MY HOUSE so PLEASE be sure to attend!
all. We will discuss this a little further at our BOARD MEETING on
Jan. 14th at 9AM at MY HOUSE so PLEASE be sure to attend!
Thanks for all you do ladies. I am excited
about the NEW YEAR and working with our awesome Young Women!!!
about the NEW YEAR and working with our awesome Young Women!!!

HI! I know you're no longer YW president, but I was wondering if you still had the teaching schedule that you used? Would you mind emailing it to me. I just got called to be YW president and feeling a little overwhelmed with it all. =)
Thanks so much!
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may i please have a copy of your schedule?
thank u for all ur wonderful ideas!!
can you send me a copy of your schedule? I am having a board mtg tomorrow and would love to print it out for my advisors and counsellors! jon-cathi@rfburst.com
Thank you!!!
I'm also new in Young Women's. Could you please send me a copy. Thank You! jo@geo-tools.com
I am so grateful I have found your blog. Please send me a copy of your teaching schedule. Thank you so much! Cheryl_robison@frontier.com
PLEASE send me a copy of your outlines! hottastuffa@netscape.net
PLEASE send me a copy of your outlines! jenni.howell@gmail.com
I would love this as well. tifferz19@hotmail.com Thank you so much! I just got put in YW ๐ I am very excited but need as much help as I can get.
I would love a copy of your teaching schedule please! I am a new YW president and would welcome any thoughts or ideas you have. Thanks! melissaweston@gmail.com
I would love a copy of your schedule and any thoughts about how it's working thus far. Do you have the Young Women help in the lesson selection for each month also?
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I would love a copy too. I am new in Beehives and would love a starting point:))
This is great! I am a new Mia Maid advisor. My email is jaybneuteboom@yahoo.com
I would love a copy of your schedule. I am teaching the Miamaids and would love any ideas. My e-mail address is olliegm585@gmail.com Thanks, Sue
I would like this. thank you. leisakmunns@gmail.com
I sure would appreciate a copy of your schedule and any ideas for teaching the new Come, Follow Me lessons. I was just called to teach the 12-13 yr olds in Sunday School. Thank you, so much. luvsmnry@aol.com
Could you send me a copy as well? Thanks!
I would love a copy also !!!
I would love a copy also of your schedule. Thanks for all your help!! Cassienak@yahoo.com
I would love to get a copy of your schedule. Thanks for all of your great ideas!! kristafurr@gmail.com
I would love to get a copy as well of your schedule. It would really help me. thank you. My email is alisha.pack@yahoo.com
I would love a copy also. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of this. traerae@comcast.net Thanks so much!!!!
I would love a copy of your schedule. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.. M.Satham@hotmail.com
I would also love to jave a copy of your schedule.thank ypu for your blog. You inspire me to put more effort in servingthe young women. This is my email crazenocks@yahoo.com
A big thank you.
From the Philippines.
I would like a copy of the schedule as well. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas!!!
No problem Deanna…I just need your email address. Thanks! xoxo
I would also love a copy of your schedule. Thanks so much for sharing! amyo@olsenclan.net
Marci-could you please forward a copy to wrwsecretary@gmail.com – Thanks so much for your insight!!
I LOVE all of your ideas!! Thank you so much for sharing them. Could you please foward me a copy?
Thanks!!!! abcslamb@sfcn.org
Marci, I'd like to add my voice to all who have thanked you for sharing your wonderful YW ideas. Your efforts are much appreciated. Could I ask for a copy of your teaching schedule? Thanks! teragram24@gmail.com
I also would love a copy of your schedule. Thanks for your dedication and awesome ideas! Talonas30@gmail.com
I would love a copy of your teaching schedule. Thank you, thank you!! So thankful for all the wonderful thoughts and ideas! michelle@pdidiesel.com
Marci, I would love your teaching schedule also. Thanks! debbikbailey.comcast.net
I would love a copy of your teaching schedule. Thank you for offering to share!
Marci, Could I get your schedule too? We are right there with you as just having something as a starting place and adjusting from there. I'd love to see how you're getting started.
I would love a copy of the outline, it would save me SO much time in between everything else thank you! amandapeckphotography at gmail dot com
I too would love a copy of your teaching schedule! Thanks so much for sharing!! aodonnal@gmail.com
Your blog is fabulous! You have such amazing ideas! If you could send me your schedule for 2013 lessons that would be great, I need all the help I can get! Email is: hhcoopmitch@yahoo.com
Please send me a copy of your schedule as well! Thank you for your willingness to share!
I would love a copy of your teaching schedule. Thank you for offering to share! jolinbrady@hotmail.com
I would love a copy as well!! You always have great stuff, thank you! Bountifulsmiles@yahoo.com
I would love too see a copy of your teaching schedule!
I would love a copy of your teaching schedule, please. Thanks so much! You're awesome, keep it coming!
Just found your blog…fantastic!!! Would love to see your calendar for the curriculum… soobeegee@yahoo.com
I so appreciate your willingness to share your hard work. Thanks so much,
I love all of your YW lessons and ideas! I would love to see what you've cooked up for 2013! Thanks! Tori
I would also love a copy! Would it work if our Yw is combined every Sunday? We have a small group and wanted to have them combine so we can get more of a discussion going:) thanks! Beccasgoodman@hotmail.com
In our ward we are letting the youth choose which outlines are taught for each month in our byc. They look at the different outlines pray about their class they come together and choose. They also choose which outlines are taught in sunday school. It has been an amazing spiritual experience. This way we are teaching exactly what they want.
I would love a copy of your schedule!! Thank you so much!!
i would LOOOOOOVE to see your schedule.
I am curious how you went about asking the girls which outline topics they wanted to learn from since we were asked to address this with our class presidencies. Did you give them the list for the year and let them choose what they felt like they needed the most?
To start out…I just came up with the basic guideline to go by. As we have our monthly class presidency meetings, we will discuss the topics with the girls and change and modify things as needed. I felt that we just needed something to sort of get us going….
Just found your blog and love it! Could I get a copy of your schedule? emilykpoll@gmail.com Thanks a million! You have such darling ideas!
Could I please get a copy too! Thanks so much! jsnorton05@gmail.com
I would love a copy of your lesson schedule! Kepamp@gmail.com
I would love a copy as well. Thanks! karennobles75@yahoo.com
This sounds like a great way to get started. Please send me a copy.
Thank you,
I love this and really appreciate a copy! I am overwhelmed!
I would love a copy! I love all of your cute ideas!!
oops forgot email!! nancyoakes59@gmail.com thanks again
I too wouldn't mind a copy of your schedule. I do have a question for you and anyone else who wants to comment. how are you going to get the scriptures and stories etc to the girls before each week so that they will study the information? I thought about printing a study notebook—-with scripture references in it etc—-I don't know……..any other ideas?
Thanks for your help!
Nancy…I'm thinking of maybe having the adivsors/teachers email the girls mid-week with some scriptures they can study before Sunday. Still not quite sure. Was thinking about making up a notebook for them as well but would probably just leave it blank inside so they can take notes as they'd like. That…and I am too overwhelmed to fill it all out with the scripture references as of now ๐ So much to do at the beginning of the year it seems like, huh? xoxo
Marci you are amazing! Could you please share with me your schedule? My email is: armemory@yahoo.com.
Keep inspiring us YW leaders!
Thanks so much for sharing!! royandtara@hotmail.com
Marci I have made a schedule for our new year. I would love to see yours to compare! I think I live kinda by you! I would love to get together with you and share ideas maybe would could share some of our stuff for New Beginnings also. Just a thought.
email me at audrey06@me.com
thanks so much
I would love a copy of your schedule. I am a bit overwhelmed with all the change and how to make it work. DeAnnLKilpatrick@msn.com Thanks in advance!!
Yes please. You're awesome. Thanks. Tricia@chandlereye.com
I wouls also LOVE a copy of the lesson schedule.
I am a YW President and feeling a little overwhelmed!
I would love a copy of your lesson schedule.
Thanks so much!!
I would love to get a copy of your lesson schedule.
I would love a copy of your lesson schedule I have been so perplexed trying to figure how this will all work…thanks for all of your wonderful posts.
send to yw@jacksons.cc
Thanks, Gina
I'd love a copy as well! Thanks!
Hi, I would also love a copy of your outline, you have wonderful ideas. Thank you for being willing to share. dawnzer@yahoo.com
Hi Marci- I would love a copy of your schedule! Thanks for sharing.
I just got called to into YW and would love a copy of your schedule! mona.sinclair@hotmail.com
Hi I would love a copy bfinlayson@comcast.net, Also do you live in the Mesa area? My son is serving in Scottsdale, but had been in mesa for most of His mission. Best Mission ever!!! I will forever be grateful to the people of AZ they take such good care of the missionaries.
I would love a copy of your schedule as well. My email is shancs2000@yahoo. I love reading your blog and your YW ideas – I think they have relly helped my lessons!
Thank you, me too please. The.dons@gotalk.net.au
No capitals sorry ๐
I'm so nervous and excited about the change… it's actually a bit overwhelming but I know it'll help. I would love a copy of your schedule. Thanks for sharing! mltuinei@gmail.com
Would love to check out your ideas. Love all you do. Thanks for sharing.
Would love a copy! Thanks for all your Fabulous ideas! Htcsa@msn.com
I would love to see the lesson schedule you have. My email is browningfamily2001@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!
Marci, I would Love your schedule!! I am so excited but feeling a bit overwhelmed at the same time. This will help. Thanks for all your ideas! ztilla@yahoo.com
May I also have a copy, Marci? Thank you! alecia.lai@gmail.com
I would also love a copy of your schedule. Thanks in advance!!!
I would love a copy of it. Thank you!!! judbbs@q.com
Brandi – I tried to send it over but the email you provided me with didn't work. Is there another one you'd like me to send it to?
Yes, I'm so sorry I typed the wrong letters! It is jdubbs@q.com
Thanks so much!
I would love a copy as well, you have been such a huge help to me for these past few months. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and inspiration with the rest of us! shyabug@hotmail.com
I would also love a copy! I just got called to be YW Pres and I'm a bit overwhelmed. Excited but nervous! I love your blog and all your wonderful ideas! Thanks for sharing!
Jamie jmthack@gmail.com
I would love a copy as well. Thanks for all the great ideas and suggestions. laurh_2000@yahoo.com
Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and talents. I would love a copy of the schedule you created. I have done something similar for the first three months and would like some input. Have a great year! Linda lcrosby7@tampabay.rr.com
I would love a copy also!! You are amazing!! Love your blog and all of your amazing ideas!!
tawnya . kesler @ gmail . com
I would love a copy! I'm so excited about the new curriculum!
i would LOVE a copy as well! thanks for sharing your cute brain ideas ๐
Yes I would love a copy as well. tumbletownutah@msn.com
Yes, I'd love to see what you have. I am a planner, so this is a new challenge for me, but I'd love to get a "guideline" for my leaders. jw4thyw at gmail.com
THANK YOU llanjill@netzero.com
THANK YOU llanjill@netzero.com
I would love a copy! I'm new to YW and I love your blog already. nlstapp@gmail.com
Yes please, jkeagar@yahoo.com. I sent you a message on Facebook too. I am looking for the links to your Leadership Pie that you did. Is that something you would share with me? I would love it. I am excited for this new curriculum too. I am a little intimidated but am ready to get started. Thanks for all that you do. I love all of your ideas!
Yep, me too. I LOVE your blog and your YW ideas! You can't believe how seeing and reading some of your ideas have helped me. I'd love to have a copy of your schedule/suggestions. I'm pretty stressed about this big change but hopefully I'll catch the spirit of it like you did. ๐ michellehturner@gmail.com
Hi Marci!
I too am a fan of yours and I would love a copy of your additional suggestions. My email is: kalihi.yw@gmail.com
Happy Holidays!
I would love a copy of your teaching schedule. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas! laceyemilee@yahoo.com
Thank you for all your wonderful ideas Marci, love your site and all the hard work you put into everything you do. Would love a copy, jsearlenord@hotmail.com
Yes i would like to see what others are doing as well. We are having everyone teach one month at a time. That way the teacher can choose what she best feels the class needs to hear, and then she can be prepared with all the topics and go from there is she wants. It is super hard to wrap your head on how it all should work, so i look forward to all the extra ideas. Mmheiney@gmail.com
Hi Marci,
Thank you for all the ideas you share for YW Leaders. They are amazing and a great help.
Could you please send me the 2013 Lesson/Teaching Schedule. I appreciate your help.
Could have a copy as well please. Thank you for all your hard work!kimkemp0425@gmail.com
Yes, yes, and yes. I would definitely love to get a copy of your teaching schedule as a guideline. I, like you, am a "not good at change" type of person. I've looked into the new curriculum here and there but haven't really spent enough time, like I should. You can be sure I will continue following your blog, faithfully! sayer13@hotmail.com