My son is OBSESSED with all things MUSTACHE these days.
{For Christmas – he asked for a robot WITH a mustache.}
Which is why I just KNEW his Valentine this year had include some type of facial hair!
The heart + mustache was purchased in a package at Hobby Lobby.
{In the package there are 25 hearts and 25 mustaches.}
They are foam stickers so I just stuck em right onto each other.
The Big Hunk fun sized candybars were purchased at my local candy store.
ANY candy bar would do – I just thought that BIG HUNK went along well with the mustache theme.
{Also had my eye out for Mr. Goodbars but couldn’t find any.}
To download a FREE copy of Carson’s Valentines click HERE.
And since some of you might not live close to a Hobby Lobby – I created one page of tags with a mustache ALREADY printed on there. You can just place your candy underneath.
Have a fanSTACHEtic day!

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