Having a child in the month of December is not the ‘brightest’ of ideas.
But then again…who really thinks about that stuff before the fact, right?
Our sweet little Grant turns 8 this month!
He has a birthday just 3 days BEFORE Christmas.
Every OTHER year, my children get to have a FRIEND party.
With Grant…we like to do it at the VERY beginning of December…before things get TOO crazy.
This year he picked to have a BOWLING extravaganza.
Here’s my advice about throwing kids parties.
It’s BEST to throw them away from home. No mess. No clean up. No preparation really.
It. Is. Bliss.
All I needed to come up with were some party favors…
and I’m ALL for choosing favors that people are actually going to use/consume.
Not my fanciest of work, but for a group of 8 year olds…it fared just fine!
And according to Grant….it was “the BEST day EVER!”
So that’s all I needed to hear!

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