This is my cute niece Hayley.
She’s 14.
For the past 6 months she’s been working on compiling a cookbook with all of our FAVORITE Lamoreaux family recipes for one of her Young Womens goals.
Once people caught wind of this, they started asking if she was going to make extra copies because they wanted to buy one, so she decided to turn it into a fundraiser. She wants to go to Europe next year with the French Club so all money earned from this cookbook will help her be able to go on this amazing trip.
THERE ARE 150 RECIPES IN THE BOOK and they are ALL ones that our family MAKES and LOVES!
She is selling them for $15 and if you want more than one, each additional book is $10. They make GREAT gifts!
I can vouch for the delicious-ness in this cookbook.
If I’ve raved about a family recipe on my blog – – chances are – – that recipe is in this cookbook!
Local pickup is available as is shipping to out of towners.
To place an order, you can email OR paypal Hayley here:
Tell her, her most favorite Aunt Marci, sent ya! ๐

What a great Personal Progress project!