Thanksgiving is UP at our house.
Oranges, browns, pilgrims and turkeys EVERYWHERE now.
I know I say this about every holiday but….
I really do love THANKSGIVING.
This year my entire Lamoreaux family will spend it together.
I can’t wait!
We’ll probably carry on the yearly tradition of seeing a movie on Thanksgiving day as well.
Here are a few peeks from around our home right now:
My kitchen table centerpiece.
I threw this together in under 5 minutes and I couldn’t be more proud of how it turned out!
Thank you to our neighbors who gave London their GINORMOUS pinecone. Who’d have thought it would make such a great decoration??
{I sorta wanna spray paint it gold.}
Every holiday I buy one new thing to add to my collection of decorations. This year…it was these pilgrims
from Hobby Lobby.

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