Happy February! It’s in the high 70s here in Arizona today, I’ve got my windows open and am reminded of why we drudge through the hot summers here. It’s so we can have nice winters like this!! 😉 If you’re wanting to get a little Valentine treat out to your minstering friends this month –…
Valentines Day
More! New! Valentine Printables.
Need some alternatives for Valentine’s Day this year? Candy is great….but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up a little. Gnomes are all the rage these days and who doesn’t love a good ole bag of Cheeze Its? Gnomie Valentines My Sip! Sip! Hooray! tags are fun because they can be paired up with a…
Soda Pop Valentines.
Do your kids wanna pass out something OTHER than candy this year for Valentine’s Day? Raise your hand if you might be a soda addict, like myself?! My preferred beverage of choice is a tie between Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Coke. I’ve already had two today – – don’t judge! Anyhoozle – – since…