Game face. Go Cards! * The ‘Beibs’ is coming out with a Christmas CD this holiday season. And as if that isn’t good enough news….it will feature a guest appearance track from Boyz to Men. Christmas wishes REALLY DO come true! * I bought a new vacuum last week and I am in love. Oreck…
Random Wednesday
Random Wednesday {posted on Friday!}
This movie has overtaken our house. Even Joe now knows every single word to every single line. We wake up in the middle of the night with the soundtrack stuck in our heads. It’s cute and all but…..1,000 times later?? * Why on earth does everyone and their dog seem to go to the fast…
Random Wednesday.
Doesn’t that smile just brighten your day? * Every single morning I wake up tired. And as I hit my {snooze} button once or twice, I promise myself that ‘Tonight…I’m going to bed early. No matter what’. And then…every single night….’tonight’ hits and I stay up late. Again. And the cycle continues. It’s not even…