* I usually don’t mind buying ‘generic’ brand products at the grocery store. I do have a few exceptions though. Fruit snacks are one of them….IF……I intend on stealing some from my kids. Which I usually do….during about the 3rd hour of church on Sundays. And let me tell you…those name brand fruit snacks are…
Random Wednesday
Random Wednesday.
* I can’t seem to get enough of these tasty little eggs lately. Honestly…I cannot JUST eat one. It’s bad. I’m addicted. I figure though…since {most} of it is made up of peanut butter….it’s good protein, right? {Don’t crush my dreams if you think otherwise}. * Speaking of Easter candy….I bought all of our Easter…
Random Wednesday.
* This sassy little diva continues to be……a SUPER SASSY little diva. She was put in time out THREE times today. By the sound of her blood curdling screams {while sitting on the couch IN ‘time out’} I’m surprised my neighbors didn’t call CPS on me. She really knows how to DRAMATIZE the SITUATION…that is…