Halloween is one of my FAVORITE holidays. I know, I know…. I say that about every holiday, it seems. But Halloween is really at the tippity-top of my list! Each year we throw a Halloween Party of sorts and for the next couple of weeks I’ll sporadically be sharing some of my favorite ideas from…
2fer Tuesday.
2 PUMPKIN FLAVORED THINGS TO DISCUSS: YES to this cereal. Not too strong of a flavor which is a good thing with cereal. {Next up I wanna try the pumpkin spice Cheerios. Thoughts?} Article HERE And YUM! I’m totally adding Ben and Jerry’s Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice-cream to my list of things to try this fall. 2…
2fer Tuesday.
2 RECOMMENDATIONS: Get these. At Costco. They are SO good – – and I’m not usually even a fan of dark chocolate. TOMORROW! ALL DAY. You’re welcome. 2 SPOOKY HALLOWEEN IDEAS: Remember when I said that come Sept. 1st – – all fall and Halloween stuff is fair game? Well…GAME ON! Image This Chicken…