Oh goodness you guys……I made this last weekend and we all snarfed it right down!! It was SO good and had such a good flavor to it.
I don’t even feel right calling it a ‘recipe’ per say because I pretty much just cooked things and threw em together. But it was SO good that I want to share it with you. And did I mention it was E-A-S-Y?! So here’s whatcha do…
Start with your potatoes. I used red. Probably about 4 of the bigger {not tiny} red potatoes. Wash em and then cube em. Put em in a bowl and add 1/4 cup of olive oil and a packet of dry onion soup mix. Stir it all up really well. Place em on a cookie sheet and then salt and pepper the heck out of them. I also threw in some garlic salt. Bake these babies on 400 degrees for about 45 minutes or until you can pierce a fork through em.
While your potatoes are cooking….slice up TWO of the U-shaped kielbasa sausages. If your family is tiny or doesn’t include teenage boys, you could probably get away with using just one sausage. I always just buy the beef sausage BUT I decided to be risky and buy a Jennie O’ turkey sausage too because it was on sale. So I used a beef sausage AND a turkey sausage. I wanted to see if we would be able to tell the difference. And we could. HAHA! None of us, sadly, liked the turkey sausage as much as the beef one. It definitely had a different flavor and texture in it and it was missing the juiciness that comes from the fat of the beef one. Does that make sense? Sigh….why must fat flavor things so dang well? LoL.
Anyways….slice up your sausages and brown them on your frying pan.
Oh! I also added a little bit of chopped onion to my potatoes when I cooked em.
The last 10 minutes of your potatoes cooking…cook your green beans. I bought frozen green beans – the kind that you can steam right in the bag in your microwave.
Get a big ‘ole bowl and then once everything is done – – – toss everything together and add more seasonings as you’d like!!! It’s THAT simple. And we LOOOOVED it!

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