September…glorious September is finally here!
I just lit my Pumpkin Pie candle today for the first time this season and ahhhh….things are looking up.
Every year around this time I share 3 of my very favorite recipes EVER for:
Zuchinni bread, Pumpkin bread and Banana bread.
You can find them HERE.
{They’re seriously dELisH!}
That got me thinking of a fun little tag that I created into this month’s Ministering // Friendship tag!!
Attach this tag to a homemade loaf of bread OR….cheat and buy a yummy one from the store. I promise your friends won’t be mad 😏
The point is….just show someone this month that they’re loved. And appreciated. And that you’re thinking of them.
It really doesn’t take much!
These tags are FREE to download and you can find them
Be sure to tag me on Instagram @azmarci if you use them! I’d love to see your photos!
April Ministering // Friendship tags

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