Friends! Just when I think I can get away with not posting my ministering handout for the month…I have generous followers who message or email me asking when it will be up and where the heck I am. And I appreciate that. I really do.
Sometimes…as my busy life seems like it’s on full speed ahead…I think to myself….’no one will realize if I don’t post’. And then you DO realize it. And it warms my heart and makes me happy and reminds me that I should be setting aside some time each week to put some love into my blog. So I promise….PROMISE to be better at posting again…SOON!
I actually created this THANKFUL tag a few years back but love it so much that I wanted to share it again. I like it because it involves a little effort on YOUR part. It makes you think about a trait that you are GRATEFUL for in someone else and forces you to write it down and let them know about it.
It can be paired up with ANYTHING you want! {I vote something pumpkin-y. But that’s just me}.
You can download my FREE tag HERE.
And as always, be sure to tag me on Instagram with how you end up using it @azmarci
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