HAPPY MARCH! Holy moly — how is it already March? Doesn’t it seem weird to think that one year ago at this time, all of the craziness with the panemic began? Gah. What a year, am I right? Here’s hoping for a MUCH calmer March in 2021.
Last month, Elder Gerrit W. Gong posted something on Twitter that really resonated with me. So much so, that I screenshotted it {is that even a word? and if so, did I spell it right? probably not}.
I didn’t ever want to forget it because it’s pretty golden, don’t ya think?
>>Slow down with the things that matter less – – focus on the things that matter most!<<
So when it came time to create my new handout for the month – – I just knew that I wanted to pass this message along. Because….who couldn’t use it?! It’s SO easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and lose focus of what really matters MOST!
This handout can be paired up with ANYTHING YOU WANT! Chocolates, flowers, it can be placed inside of a card and mailed to someone…..ANYTHING WORKS!
The point of my ‘Ministering Tags’ is to just show someone that you’re thinking of them! Make someone smile. Make someone’s day! It’s really not that hard.
As always, my Ministering Tags are FREE to download and use!
Download HERE
And lastly, please don’t copy this tag and claim it as your own.
And of course, if you’re able to use these tags – – take a pic and tag me on Instagram: @azmarci
Have a GREAT month! xoxo

I love this & would love to use it other times of year. Any chance you would take Happy March off to make it more generic but still beautiful & inspiring?
I would also like to use this beautiful, printable quote other than the month of March.