Happy Happy August! Summer is sadly over for our household. The kids are back in school and I’ve been focusing on Christmas {yes! Christmas!} ideas for my Etsy shop. {I CANNOT wait to share them with you!}
Time has such a weird way of working, doesn’t it?
This month’s ministering tags are simple. They include one of my very favorite quotes taken from THIS talk at the last General Conference.
I’ve been refelcting on this quote quite a bit this past week and it just resonates with me lately. Instead of being NERVOUS over something…..why don’t we choose instead to have FAITH because…the Lord does know the details of our lives and knows what we {and our families} need, right at this moment!
This tag can be paired with LITERALLY anything you want!
I love the idea of attaching it to a small notebook that can be carried around one in one’s purse for note taking. And pretty much anywhere you go right now has school supplies on sale so that’s a WIN!
Wal-mart also sells the cutest little mini pies in their bakery section. You can get TWO for $1 and if that isn’t a bargain, I don’t know what is!
As always, these tags are FREE! Spread the word.
{Just don’t copy and claim them as your own}
Download HERE

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