Happy April! I’m sorry I’m seven days late in posting this. We’ve been having some updates done on our house and it’s been consuming most of my time and energy lately.
THANK YOU to those of you who have emailed and messaged me, checking in to see if I was ok because of my lack of blogging these last couple of months. I am doing just fine and hope to be back to posting more regularly here soon. (I do post regularly on my Instagram page and you can follow me there now @azmarci).
I just LOVED this quote so much from General Conference this past weekend. It really spoke to my heart which is why I chose it as the message of my NEW ministering handout for the month!
It can be attached to a candle or a flashlight…or anything else that you can think of that has to do with LIGHT!
As always, my ministering handouts are FREE to download and use! I just ask that when posting on social media, you tag me – – I love seeing what you come up with!
Download HERE
Have a great month! xoxo

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