The talk I chose to highlight this week as part of my Summer Reading Challenge is from the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference by Elder Dale G. Renlund called “Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God”.
I feel like now, more than ever this plea is needed. With all that is going on in the world right now, it’s so important to remember the goodness of Diety. First though, I feel like we must RECOGNIZE it. And then…REMEMBER it.
Elder Renlund says:
“The consistency of pleas from prophets to reflect on the goodness of God is striking. Our Heavenly Father wants us to recall His and His Beloved Son’s goodness, not for Their own gratification but for the influence such remembrance has on us. By considering Their kindness, our perspective and understanding are enlarged. By reflecting on Their compassion, we become more humble, prayerful and steadfast.”
Elder Renlund then goes on to share a heart wrenching story about a man who needed a heart transplant. I definitely recommend reading it and good luck getting through it without crying.
He then asks the question: “What does it take for you to be drawn to the Savior?”
I love that question and it really made me think. Is it reading your scriptures consistently? Is it doing service for others? Is it partaking of the Sacrament every week? I feel like each of us may have different answers to this question.
Another quote I loved from this talk was: “Reflecting on God’s goodness and mercy helps us become more spiritually receptive. In turn, increased spiritual sensitivity allows us to come to know the truth of all things by the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Imagine if we all could comprehend the ‘truth of all things’? Don’t you think that would make our world a better place?

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