Who else feels like each day lasts about 36 hours?
Friday was Joe and I’s 17th anniversary and nothing says romance like quarantining, am I right? Haha. We took no pictures of ourselves that day because I’m pretty sure I put no makeup on…or even a bra for that matter. We did manage to leave the house for about 20 minutes to pick up takeout from our favorite restaurant and then we brought it back home and ate it…in front of our kids. Haha.
Posting this pic of us from last November…because it makes me happy.
On Saturday I ventured out of the house for a couple of hours to grocery shop and attempt Costco.
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Never thought I’d be so grateful to see an abundance of onions back in the stores….
Now…if I could just stock up on some flour! I can’t find it ANYWHERE!
We dropped off treats on the doorstep of Joe’s parent’s house….
It really stinks not being able to get together with family through all of this! And what the heck am I gonna do on Easter, when I have to make a ham for the first time ever?????
I did teach myself how to make homemade french bread on Saturday night and it was DEE-vine!
Considering I’ve always had a phobia of yeast and baking with it…I’m pretty proud of my accomplishments this past week, haha!
On Sunday we had church at home again, we fasted together as a family and then we Zoom’d my family when it was time to ‘break the fast’ with a prayer.
Hands down my favorite thing about Zoom-ing my family is the first five minutes or so when my parents have NO IDEA what the heck is going on or how to get their screen to work. Aren’t they the cutest?
Which brings us to today….the following pic accurately describes my childrens reaction when they found out that school would be cancelled for the rest of the year….
While they miss their friends terribly, they think the idea of doing school online is not such a bad idea. Me? Ask me in about a week, haha!

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