My Friday was spent up at London’s school helping with 4 different reading bulletin boards throughout the school.
This was the first time all year I’ve been on the campus because of Covid. I had to get special permission and everything….but it was SO fun to be back up there amongst the kids. I’m still trying to come to grips with the fact that next week….we will officially have no more kids in elementary school!
Friday night we went out to dinner with my parents, my sister and my nephew, his wife and their ADORABLE baby.
We seriously cannot get enough of our grand-niece!!!
On Saturday I went to my least favorite place on earth on a Saturday…..Costco.
Carson had an eye appointment there so we HAD to. The only silver lining was that they FINALLY had Clorox wipes in stock. First time since Covid hit that I’ve seen them there!
Saturday afternoon ice-cream treat at the DQ…
If you guys have not yet tried their Drumstick blizzard…..YOU ARE MISSING OUT! It is seriously the best blizzard that they have ever sold. And I’m not exaggerating.
Churchey-church on Sunday,
I came across this quote on Sunday an it was just so fitting. It’s one of the many reasons I love Sundays so much. The chance to REST from our normal day to day craziness. It’s refreshing, really.

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