My weekend started out just the way I wanted it to…
With a much needed pedicure {and mani}! Let’s just say that it had been so long since my last pedi, the cheese grater that they try and get all of your feet calluses off with…almost didn’t cut it.
Pretty proud of myself for choosing a color other than purple this time.
Worked on a batch of Etsy orders afterwards…
The boys had a sleepover with cousins on Friday night and so London joined Joe and for our date night!
I really, really love Rusty Taco’s. Their chips and queso get me every time.
And yes, no matter even if it’s 7:00 at night, I ALWAYS order one of their breakfast tacos. Their bacon is so good!
Joe and the boys did yard work on Saturday morning and so London and I took off to shop and run some errands.
One of our stops was at London’s very LEAST favorite place, which just so happens to be MY FAVORITE place…
The dreaded Goodwill…haha! I LOVE thrift shopping. Her? Not so much.
We stopped by JoAnns to pick up a piece for London’s Halloween costume….
I cannot WAIT so show you guys the finished product!
We grilled steaks at home on Saturday night and then hit up Handel’s for some pre-bday ice-cream!
I think their mint Oreo might just be my favorite ever.
Sunday was my big 4-2!
We went to church…
And then spent the evening at my parent’s house where my mom made us a yummy dinner along with my very favorite childhood cake EVER!!!
A mint ice-cream chocolate cake! DI-VINE!
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You guys! My boys FINALLY go back to in person school tomorrow. AFTER 7 MONTHS!!! They are excited and nervous and anxious and happy and alllllll the feels. Tomorrow will be the first time I have the house to myself since forever!! I plan to stay in my jammies and sip Diet Dr. Pepper slowly…all….day….long! 😉

Great post~ We tried your cinnamon roll breakfast in a pan on Sunday because we had company here and it was loved by all. Five of us devoured it, we probably could have doubled it for the five of us! Thanks so much for all of your great ideas.
Oh YAY!! I’m so glad to hear that…XOXO