* We went out to dinner with a couple of fun family friends to Barro’s Pizza.
How did I just recently discover their delicious-ness? It’s a new pizza family fave of ours.
* Went with those same fun family friends on our annual Holiday Hayride
around the neighborhood.
The boys’ school puts it on every year and it’s always so much fun!
* Saturday morning we attended London’s first ever DANCE RECITAL.
It was cute. laughable. charming. entertaining. and more.
My very favorite part of the whole ensemble was when they finished their ballet routine and London found me in the audience with her eyes and then proceeded to give me a big THUMBS UP from the stage. All while holding her ‘first’ position.
Something about a bunch of little girls in tap and ballet shoes that just make my heart melt.
She definitely has the posing down pat!
* Date night HERE with Joe.
It’s a Chandler staple for us and a longtime favorite.
*The kiddies went to Grandma and Grandpa Lamoreaux’s for the evening and looked at Christmas lights, drank hot cocoa and ate sugar cookies. Grant claimed that it “felt just like Christmas!”
We sat out on my parent’s back patio while picking them up and chatted with my siblings.
I love the WARM feeling my parent’s home has.
*Church on Sunday.
*Meetings. Meetings.
* An ‘attempted‘ nap that failed miserably.
*Checked things off of my Christmas To-Do list….
….these puppies get sent out in the mail tomorrow. Yahoo!
Now…it’s onto my neighbor and friend gifts.
Did I mention we are hosting TWO different parties at our house this next weekend?
So excited I can hardly stand it!
Listening to THIS Christmas album on repeat.
It’s one of my VERY favorites.
The man has some SERIOUS talent.

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