* Friday morning I treated myself to breakfast.
That right there is one of my most FAVORITE meals ever.
Sesame bagel toasted with plain cream cheese and a LARGE Diet Coke.
While I was eating by myself at Einstein’s {yes – by myself. I once woulda NEVER been caught dead eating anywhere by myself – – now – – 3 kids later – – I feel like it’s SO liberating! Lol}… I was cracking myself up by sending funny pics to get Joe to wake up back at home.
Like this one.
Good Burger, anyone?
{Yes, I realize that things that make Joe and I laugh…probably don’t make others laugh quite the same.}
* I ran errands afterwards and stopped by quite possibly the cutest little shop ever in Chandler.
Holy. Moly.
Adorable-ness everywhere.
* Headed back home and spent the
rest of the afternoon
filling orders for my Etsy shop.
These fun little burlap bags are being made to celebrate the new Young Womens theme for next year – EMBARK IN THE SERVICE OF GOD – and I’ve just sold out of them for the time being. Hoping to get more back in stock soon!
* Friday night we took our cute sister missionaries out to dinner.
Morenos + cute friends + bean dip = a fun Friday night.
* Saturday morning, while Joe and the boys were off helping with an Eagle Scout project – – London was busy in the kitchen making me breakfast.
Doesn’t that look scrumptious?
* Grant’s bball game Saturday afternoon.
Another….loss…but Grant played awesome and is having FUN so that’s all that matters.
* We went home and watched the ASU vs. NOTRE DAME football game afterwards…WOOO HOOO! GOOOO Devils! and then took the kiddos to see….
Totally CUTE movie!
My kids laughed their heads off in it.
{And so did Joe and I}.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
While I was getting ready – – I had my LDS Pandora station on and this song came on….
Haven’t heard it for years and had forgotten how much I LOVE it. Wish there was a REPEAT button on Pandora.
* Pot roast and mashed taters for Sunday dinner.
It’s seriously become a staple with us.
I’ve got a super fun Thanksgiving printable I’m adding to the shop tomorrow for all of you leaders!! Stay tuned….

Hi, I enjoyed your post. I will check out Hilary Weeks. I'm always searching for a new video to feature on my Song of the Day through my blogs. Blessings!
I love going anywhere alone, I once went to the beach, alone, diet coke, and a magazine.. heaven!!
I once ordered somrthing from the TOMKAT studio, it would be dangerous to have a store nearby!