* Friday morning I woke up to a big pile of poop in my craft room from Cubby.
It was gross and disgusting and definitely not the way I wanted to start off my weekend.
I decided I deserved a treat and so I took my laptop to get some work done at Panera.
Their blueberry muffins are my fave.
Also…I may have filled up my Diet Dr. Pepper at least 3 times.
It was one of those days.π
* Some Goodwill shopping after because remember…I’m obsessed?
Sometimes the things I see there CRACK ME UP!!!
* Work in my craft room afterwards.
{Yes…I sterilized the entire thing after Cubby pooped in itπ}
Having so much fun duplicating material from our RISE UP Back to School dinner.
* Friday night we kicked it at home.
It was so nice to be able to relax after the busy-ness of the first week of school.
We made chocolate chip cookies…
…and had kids over to play…
* Saturday was a day full of chores and getting stuff done.
* We went out Saturday night with some of our favorite friends to the mexican gas station yes gas station for dinner.
I know, I know….we are soooo classy to be eating at such fine establishments.
Don’t be jealous.
Their bean burros are so dang good.
This one had green chili sauce in it and YuM!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
Joe got a new ‘calling’ and is now working with the 12-13 year old boys in our ward. He’s pumped – – and so are my boys.
* 3 hour nap afterwards.
SO nice!
* We grilled cheeseburgers for dinner and kicked it for the rest of the night at home.
This weekend was exactly what our family needed.

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