* I met my friend for a yummy breakfast HERE on Friday morning.
Fun Fact: Breakfast is my FAVORITE meal to eat out.
Also: I could eat breakfast for dinner EVERY single night.
* Afterwards I had a check-up at the Drs. Office.
My doctor has this sign hanging in all of her rooms and I just love this reminder…
* Once I got back home my friend stopped by and noticed this just hanging out on my front porch!!!!!!!!……….
Yup. That’s a black widow spider WITH it’s egg.
And don’t worry – – there was ANOTHER egg inside of that pumpkin.
To say I was scared/grossed out/horrifed is an UNDERSTATEMENT.
My sweet friend got straight to work though – – it didn’t even PHASE her!
First she sprayed it dead with some bug spray.
Then she scooped out the dying spider + it’s eggs and put it in that paper cup.
And then we literally burned it TO THE GROUND!!!!
If she had not been there {and since Joe was at work} I honestly don’t know WHAT I would’ve done.
I feel like I owe her my life!
* Friday night was our school’s annual FALL Costume BALL.
Our school does A LOT of fun things but this might just be our favorite.
There’s food, dancing, games….and a costume contest!
And guess what? London took home the ‘Most Original’ costume award.
She was beaming.
Joe and I sat outside eating pizza with some of our friends while the kids ran amuck and it was such a fun evening. Made me feel SO grateful {yet again} for our wonderful community.
* On Saturday, Carson and I went to see my darling niece in her highschool production of LEGALLY BLONDE.
They did SUCH a fantastic job!!
It was so fun watching her up there.
* Saturday night was our ward’s Trunk or Treat.
My kids got loaded down with candy – – who knows what we’ll do with all of tomorrow’s loot on TOP OF IT.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
Just in case you wanted a peek inside of what goes down on our family’s church bench during Sacrament meeting…it usually looks something like this.
Pure reverance and classy-ness with my kids.
Mix that in with some squirming, teasing and poking and you’ve got my family EVERY single Sunday.
One would think that the older your kids…the better behaved they are…am I right? 😜
* Came home and got to work on some Halloween baking.
EVERY holiday deserves sugar cookies.
Who’s with me?
* We spent Sunday evening over at my parent’s house.
It’s always wonderful when I don’t have to cook a meal.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On tap for THIS week:
FINALLY! Cooler temps.
Like for real FALL temps!
I’m excited!
* Tearing down my Halloween decor and putting up my Thanksgiving decor.
* Our annual Stake Womens Conference.
I’m super excited about it.
Probably because I’m not in charge of it this year 😂 and I can just go and enjoy! {Next year….is my turn again😳}.
These evenings are so fun and full of goodness.
* Going to see THIS comedian with fun friends this weekend.
Cannot wait to laugh our heads off with some of our favorite people.

Ooh what a fun community!!
So my forecast is -15 and snow next week.. I’m already so over it !!!!!