* Friday I had a sickie home with me.
I tried to get her to take a nap with me {why is that so hard with kids?!} but it lasted maybe only 20 minutes…
{Cubby on the other hand can nap like the best of them!!}
* We realized tacos make everyone feel better so we hit up Cafe Rio for a quick lunch.
* The rest of the day was spent lounging, doing laundry, ordering pizza for dinner and watching Dateline with Joe on Friday night.
* Saturday we had a dance convention for these cute girlies out in Scottsdale.
{Thank goodness London was feeling better!}
* While they were dancing their hearts away, the rest of us snuck off to finally try the Shake Shack for lunch!
It did not disappoint!
Super yummy.
Next time I’ll be trying my fries with their cheese and bacon and getting my own shake! 😂
* The boys went off to see the Avengers movie afterwards.
{I’ve never seen one single movie of that series and I have zero desire to ever do so. Anyone else?}
I headed back to the dance convention…
So proud of my Londy Lou for working so hard this weekend even with a cough. She crushed it!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
We had our usual roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes and veggies for Sunday dinner. Why does that always taste SO extra good on a Sunday?!
* We went over to our dear friends’ house on Sunday night to watch their son open up his mission call!!!
I will never not get goosebumps attending these mission opening calls. THEY ARE THE BEST! And hooray for Matthew going to the Canada Calgary mission!!! So excited for their sweet family.

We are in the Canada Calgary Mission too. What is the Elder's name? We will watch for him.
Marci that’s My mission here !!! How cool would that be !!! Give his mom my name she can contact me with any questions!!!!
I’m with you on the Avengers, I’ve seen one because I took Ella but not my thing !!!!!