* Friday morning Visiting Teaching appointment with one of my favorite ladies.
We like to meet up HERE each month.
I’ve discovered that Visiting Teaching while sipping Diet Coke is a MUST!
* Friday night date night with some of our very favorite friends HERE.
I love this place.
Their Roasted Corn pizza and Orange Fennel salad are my two favorite items..
I also got a couple of Mother’s Day goodies in their shop.
LOVE their merchandise.
We laughed hysterically with our friends all. night. long.
* Saturday morning I held THIS breakfast for some of my sweet Young Women.
So blessed to be surrounded by such terrific girls.
* The kiddos had TWO different birthday parties to attend.
Our kids are so blessed to have such great friends.
Great friends who have great parents as well.
* Saturday night we ordered pizza and sat outside and watched the kids play with some of their peeps.
This weather right now at nighttime is perfect.
Not too many more weeks before the heat hits for good and it gets too hot to even go outside at night!
Bytheway…have you tried Little Ceaser’s new deep dish pizza?!?
It might just be my new fave. Serious.
It’s comparable to Pizza Hut.
Yup….THAT good. And only 8 bucks!
* Meetings and Church on Sunday.
* Our friends suprised us after church and brought over lunch.
Oh. My. Yuminess.
They made ‘tostadas compuestas’ and they were TO DIE FOR.
As was THIS dessert they made.
I was so full afterwards….
could not get enough!
* Sunday afternoon nap on the couch.
* Kids in bed by 7.
Welll….everyone except for London.
Bedtime + London is a battle I haven’t wanted to fight lately.
So yup….I let her stay up with me while I watch the news and type on my laptop.
I’m becoming ‘one of THOSE moms’.
And I really don’t care.

I love that you have so many cute little places you can go and eat etc… so fun !!!!
Umh.. as I sit and type this, it's snowing/hailing, pouring down, near freezing, and thundering… ugh, I need some heat! we have had the longest winter EVER!!!