* London got a haircut.
Nothing major – 2 inches is as far as she’d go, once it came down to it.
* Afterwards, we stopped by two of our very favorite shops:
We needed to stock up on treats for Joe’s birthday and also some Valentine goodies.
* Date night Friday night HERE.
Man this place is good.
{They serve the yummiest salad and bread before each meal!}
We were so stuffed afterwards that we skipped our normal dessert stop and headed home.
* Saturday was Joe’s BIRTHDAY!
We started off the celebrations with the Pinewood Derby.
I love the fact that Joe gets to participate in the Cub Scouts with Grant {and soon Carson also!}
{He’s their Cubmaster.}
Each year, I just pray that my son doesn’t come in last.
That’s all I ask.
And this year did not disappoint.
{After staying up until 2am the night before though, fixing his wheels, my husband is convinced it’d just be easier to BUY a winning car off of eBay next year. Chuckle. I wish I was kidding.}
P.S. Aren’t these treats THE CUTEST Pinewood Derby treats??
{The counselor in our Primary presidency made them!}
* Birthday lunch at Chili’s afterwards.
*Long nap for both Joe and I Saturday afternoon.
{Sure thankful for kiddos who can self entertain themselves
while we snooze.}
* London went to the cutest FAIRY THEMED party EVER Saturday night.
Sharing details of this perfect party later this week!
* Joe and I went and saw this movie Saturday night:
It was cute. And funny.
Kevin Hart is HILARIOUS!
We came back home afterwards and ended the evening with birthday cake and ice-cream.
* Churchey-Church on Sunday.
* Family dinner at Joe’s parents house Sunday night.
* Sobbed my way through this week’s Parenthood after the kids went to sleep.
{Anyone else have this problem with that show??}
Happy Monday!

I've decided that Parenthood will make me cry in at least 90% of the episodes. The whole Joel-Julia thing is crushing! And top that with Zeke and Millie… gracious. Just buy me a box of kleenex.
I know Ginny!!!! The whole Joel-Julia thing has gotten me all worked up!!! Why does he continue to be such a jerk??? It BETTER turn around or I might go crazy. Seriously bawled like a baby last night watching it!!