* I did something on Friday that I’ve been dreaming about doing ever since I first had kids.
I dropped them ALL off at school and came back home
and laid down.
Because I could!!!
And It. Was. Bliss.
{I’m really getting used to having all 3 kidlets in school all day, lemme tell ya!}
* Friday night we took the kiddos and our 2 nephews who were spending the weekend with us to Barros.
It’s hands down one of our favorite local joints
for pizza and wings.
* Afterwards, the boys played video games downstairs while Joe and I took one for the team and watched Dateline upstairs in our bedroom in REAL. TIME.
Commercials and all!
{Cannot remember the last time I watched ‘real time’ anything!}
Gosh darn it was worth it though.
Best Dateline I’ve seen in a LONG time.
{Dateline nerds over here, remember?}
* Saturday morning was spent playing more video games.
{It’s been 115 degrees outside, do you blame me for letting them?}
* I attended the sweet baptism of a darling teenage girl in our neighborhood. It was such a special experience
to be apart of.
I even ran into some of my most FAVORITE sister missionaries there. LOVE their guts.
* Joe grilled up cheeseburgers for dinner and we ended the evening at the park with another family from our ward, shooting off water bottle rockets.
Thank you Petit’s for another FUN night!
Snapped this pic of the boys walking home from the park with their 2 cousins. Isn’t it sweet?
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
It was one of those Sunday’s where….as soon as you walk into Sacrament meeting, your eyes well up in tears.
It was SUCH a great meeting and the talks given and music sang were just so incredible.
Blessed, indeed.
* Chicken crockpot tacos for dinner.
{They’re our fave!}
We had my sis and nephew over as well.
Can you believe that
is coming home in 10 days?!?
What the what?
Man time flies and we couldn’t be more excited.
Hope you ALL had a FABULOUS weekend!

how random is this….2 of those sister missionaries are serving in our ward right now! How funny! Great sisters =)
No way JoEllen! Is it Sis. Jensen and her companion? She mentioned she is in Ahwatukee/Phx. We LOVEEEEEEE her. Tell her I said HI the next time you see you her ๐
My boy gets home from Chile August 13 I can't wait to wrap him in my arms again. It seems like it's going so slow the last month though. My daughter has only been out 100 days and I miss her so much. I am so grateful they are doing what they are doing but it's so much harder than you think. I love your posts and pictures of your little ones. It does go so quickly. Thanks for all your positive posts. Your an amazing example to so many of us. Oh and video games is exactly what those kids should do at 115 outside. I thought it was miserable here (West Jordan Utah) at 94 today. Have a great week and thanks again for all you do!!
Thanks so much for the uplifting words Lisa. I SO appreciate them ๐ I'd take 94 ANY day around here lately haha. That's our October ๐ I can't even imagine what it's going to be like sending my kiddos off on missions. I will be a blubbering mess! My boys are so close in age that they will overlap and I honestly do not know what I will DO with myself! xoxo
he's coming home already, how does.time go by so quickly!!!!
sounds like.a great weekend!!