* Friday I ran errands, grocery shopped {who else LOATHES grocery shopping?} and prepped for London’s 10th birthday!
I brought the {almost} birthday girl Chick Fil-A for lunch at school and ate with she and her bestie…
Why do elementary school cafeterias smell SO nasty?
Even when it’s not fish Friday.
The boys had tumbling Friday night and then we headed to the Olive Garden for London’s {pre} birthday dinner.
Seriously…their breadsticks + chicken gnocchi soup…does it get any better than that on a cold, rainy day?
{Also, no I did not get ready for the day. It was cold and rainy so that’s my excuse…this time😂}
* Saturday was London’s big 10th birthday!!!
We opened presents and then the birthday girl requested for breakfast: French Toast, scrambled eggs with crumbled sausage mixed in and diced hashbrowns.
She and I got pedicures after breakfast…
Having a girl is SO…….MUCH….FUN!!!
{Why does she look 16 in this selfie at the salon? 😱}
We spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for her birthday party! My kids have bday parties with their friends every other year and on the on years…I’m always so grateful that the next year is an off year😜. Anyone else?
Easiest party favors EVER.
$ store suckers + a label I made. Boom!
London had very specific things in mind that she wanted to do at this party….she wanted a scavenger hunt so naturally I cracked myself up making the clues…
She wanted everyone to make their own pizzas…
Basha’s pizza dough FOR THE WIN!
We’ll definitely be buying it again.
We made up some LONDON TRIVIA with 15 different questions ALL ABOUT HER. Winner won one of her FAVORITE things.
And instead of birthday cake…London requested Bahama Bucks! {Her very favorite ‘treat’ place}.
The party was a hit!
It reminded me of the parites my mom used to throw for me when I was London’s age {especially the scavenger hunt part} and I felt a little nostalgic the whole entire evening.
* Sunday morning I woke up with a cold.
A nasty, part stuffy, part runny nosed, head throbbing cold.
I feel like my body may be telling me that it’s time to slow down so that is what I fully intend to do this week.
I stayed home from church and typed up more of my Grandpa’s World War 2 letters.
These letters hold such a special place in my heart and I feel such a sense of connection with my Grandparents through these. I am SO very excited for the day that they’ll be all done and I’ll be able to make them into a book complete with pictures to give to ALL of the Lamoreaux family. Who said Family History is always boring? These letters are fascinating to me and I love and cherish them with all my heart.
* We had roast beef and mashed potatoes for Sunday dinner and it was sad because I couldn’t taste nor smell it because of my cold, so that was a big fat BOOO!
Here’s to {what I’m hoping to be!} a slow and relaxing week!

Having only 1 photo each of my grandparents those letters are absolutely priceless, they are amazing!!
I’m so glad London had a great birthday xx