* The boys had a lemonade stand.
It was quite possibly the hottest afternoon YET this summer.
But they were determined.
And $21 later…so happy!
London drank just as much lemonade as they sold.
Luckily…she was discreet.
* Joe and I went out Friday night.
Dinner HERE…..Friday night is their POT ROAST special night.
It is Ah-Mazing. ALMOST….as good as my moms.
We saw THIS movie.
It was……interesting….to say the least.
Joe’s a BIG fan of the director Wes Anderson.
Hence….the pick.
Not sure I would recommend it. Kinda slow. And kinda weird.
* Saturday morning the kids had money burning holes in their pockets {from their lemonade earnings of course!} so we headed to the mall.
Sunglasses for $1.99? BARGAIN!!
* Grocery shopped. Probably spent $20 more than usual by shopping at a grocery store that had a play place for the kids, but man…was it worth it. Now…all THREE of my kids go in and lets just say…it changes my whole grocery shopping experience. I always tell the lady in charge that I’m gonna drop them off one day, get a pedicure and come back in like 3 hours. She thinks I’m kidding.
* Date night #2 {yes…we deserve it…our kids are home 24-7 now from school!}.
Dinner HERE with fun friends.
It’s definitely not my favorite restaurant BUT…Joe LOVES seafood so every now and again I throw one in for the team. Not to mention….I’m pretty sure I could easily pound a dozen of those cheddar garlic biscuits. YUM!
*Uplifting-ness at church.
Taught THIS lesson.
* 3 hour nap.
It’s true. Every Sunday I say I’m NOT gonna lay down but….it’s just so TEMPTING!
*Made THIS for Sunday dinner.
And yes….I’m a huge fan of pot roast. I just can’t seem to get enough.
*Enjoyed warm homemade chocolate chip cookies brought to us by one of my cute Beehives.
Warm chocolate chip cookies are my weakness.
*Joe and I watched the new Jim Gaffigan special on Netflix.
We laughed so hard our sides hurt.
And so many funny jokes about having kids and being a parent.
Watch it. Soon.

I loved loved loved that jim gaffigan special. The whales are you kidding me? I was driving to CA and really almost crashed a few times because I was crying with laughter but it would have been worth it it was so dang funny! This us Trina btw