* I met the cute lady I Visit Teach for breakfast at Einsteins.
{Their bagels + Diet Coke are seriously the bomb.}
* Ran a few errands and then met up with some more fun peeps for lunch at Moreno’s.
{Hey…it’s the weekend. Cooking is not an option.}
So fun to catch up with one of the sweet girls I taught as a Laurel.
* Friday afternoon we got a last minute call from my sis and bro-in-law, asking Joe and I if we wanted to go with them to a Phoenix Suns game.
Joe and I both LOVE basketball and so this was a no brainer.
What we didn’t realize – was that we were about to be HOOKED UP that evening,
thanks to my bro-in-law.
Yes, we were on the floor during practice time – watching the players warm up.
No, we didn’t bring 2 different outfits to change into at halftime.
We scored FREE Suns t-shirts and we needed to represent!
No big deal that we were this close, right?
We feasted on a 5 star buffet up in some fancy lounge that evening.
We all ate so much they practically had to roll us outta there!
Afterwards, {did I mention the Suns whooped the Spurs? Woot,Woot!}
we got to go BACK onto the floor and shoot hoops ourselves.
Talk about a kid in a candy shop – –
My husband was on CLOUD 9!!!
I swear, he could not wipe that smile off of his face for the life of him.
SO MUCH FUN to watch.
We had SUCH a blast.
Best. Date Night. Ever!
* Boys’ games on Saturday.
For once, their games did not overlap so Joe and I each got to see BOTH boys play.
Tough losses for both.
{Only 1 game each left…but who’s counting?!}
* Pre-birthday celebration for London at Chili’s afterwards.
* Spent the rest of the evening, wrapping presents and catching up on the new
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon episodes that I had missed.
Gosh I love Jimmy.
And his hashtag sketch.
And Brian Williams’ rap.
And Justin Timberlake’s History of Rap.
And Will Ferrell dressed as an ice dancer from Downtown Abby.
Etc, etc, etc.
* Sunday was my sweet diva’s 5th birthday!!!
Per tradition, I decorated the kitchen table with presents and pictures of the birthday girl.
We went to church.
Had crockpot chicken for dinner {per London’s request}.
And ended the festivities with cake and ice-cream and more presents.
Love this sweet girl of mine!
Fun stuff coming up this week:
My Fun Finds Friday post – is coming at you on Monday.
{Couldn’t’ you see? I was too busy eating out all day Friday to post! Smile.}
A new March Visiting Teaching handout is in the works.
My St. Patty’s Day decor will make it’s debut.
And local AZ peeps – Monday is the deadline to enter my QUEEN OF MAIDS house cleaning giveaway. Having your house cleaned by someone OTHER than yourself is always extra dreamy.
Be sure to ENTER!

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