* My Friday morning started at this place…
The D-M-V.
Why is that place ALWAYS packed?
And who knew that the photo on your license expires
after 12 years?
* Ran errands afterwards and picked up this gem.
Also hit up about 4 different Ross’.
Remember over Halloween time how I had an obsesh with thrift stores? Well now that obsesh has turned into Ross stores. Why?? Well because one of the workers tipped me off to the fact they a) get new shipments in EVERY day until the holidays and b) THEY GET LEGOS IN STOCK! The GOOD kind!!! And sometimes even STAR WARS Legos!!!
And remember how I said I refused to pay full price for Legos this Christmas??
Well this is the answer to my problem!
{I just have to keep scouring ever Ross store within a 25 mile radius on a daily basis..haha.}
* Lunch date with my hubs HERE.
Gosh, I love this place.
It’s a tad on the pricey side BUT…their food is some GOOD.QUALITY. food!!!
I love it!
Make SURE to try their zucchini fries!
And their onion rings.
And their Butterfinger shake.
Ok, ok — and their burgers.
* Friday night the kiddos school put on a Food Truck/Outdoor movie night and showed ‘Inside Out’.
It was so much fun.
I know I say this ALL the time but….
Gosh I love our community.
It’s pretty much the best.
{And local peeps: if you have not yet tried the ‘Hot Cookie Truck’ please add this to your list of to-do’s this next week.
And be sure to get the ‘Tomboy’.}
* Saturday morning was spent working on Etsy orders.
My customers are keeping me BUSY and I could not appreciate it more! So fun to be able to create all of this goodness right inside of my very own house.
* Lunch date with this handsome boy.
How can you not smile when you’re with him.
He’s pretty much the happiest kid I know.
* Afterwards….I tackled my garage.
A lot of people ask me WHERE on earth I keep ALL of my holiday stuff. You’re lookin at it. Behind those boxes…are lots and lots of more boxes. It’s pretty much a beast to pull everything out. And VERY un-organized.
But I did it. And then…
I conquered my banisters for Christmas.
Wrapping these with garland + lights is pretty much my LEAST favorite thing to do for the holidays.
Glad it’s done-zo now.
* Saturday night was spent over at my parents house eating pizza with cousins….
……watching Uncle Kirk make everyone Hershey kiss cookies {yum oh yum oh YUM!}…..
…..and decorating Grandma and Grandpa’s Christmas tree.
So magical for the kids to be able to do this.
And somewhat magical for ME – – being able to watch my kids put up ornaments that I used to put on the tree when I was a kid.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
I asked our primary kids to draw a picture of what they are thankful for in life and here’s what London came up with…
Melt my heart, why doesn’t she???
If you look closely, there is a yellow hand on the right hand side of the picture.
That’s {the Spirit’s} hand reaching down to help us.
* The rest of our day was spent decorating OUR tree…
Along with the kids decorating their trees….
Every year we give the kids a new ornament for their tree.
I always put the year on the bottom with their initials.
It is SO much fun when they pull these out every year and reminisce.
Carson’s ‘jammie boy’ just might be my favorite.
{Fun Fact: When he was about 4 years old…he LIVED in his jammies. LIVED in them.}
Happy Thanksgiving Week!
It’s one of my most favorite weeks of the entire year.

Good tip about legos at Ross!