* We had breakfast with my cousin and her kids who were in town visiting from SLC, UT.
We LOVE seeing our out of state relatives!
* Fri. night I had the opportunity of hanging out with a few hundred of the
very best teenagers I know.
They kicked off the weekend by playing Olympic style games at the Barney Sports Complex.
{I may have peed a little watching the dodgeball with frisbees tournament}.
*Soccer games.
*Football games.
Carson played goalie and ROCKED it.
He was awarded with the game day medal he played so well.
Grant’s team rocked it as well. They’re undefeated and tied for first place.
SO much fun to watch!
* Sat. afternoon I had the pleasure of cheering on the fabulous youth and leaders from my stake who walked 14 MILES…yes…14!!! from the Mesa temple to the new Gilbert temple. They are rockstars!!!
Cannot wait for this temple to be finished!
* Dinner with Joe at The Keg.
Yum-My! Hands down the very best prime rib around.
Did you know that for your birthday, they send you a gift certificate in the mail for a $25 meal?
It’s true.
* We attended Comedy Central’s Indecision 2012 show live in Scottsdale, AZ.
To say that my husband LOVES The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is an understatement.
When he heard their crew was coming to town, he bought tickets asap.
It was mostly an evening of stand up comedy but THIS was the guy that truly brought us to tears…we died laughing!
* Churchey Church.
So uplifting.
THIS song was sung by two men in our ward…in Portugese.
It’s one of my very favorite hymns ever.
So touching…EVEN in a different language.
* 2 hour UN-INTERUPPTED nap.
* Sunday Dinner at Joe’s parents house.
Joe’s mom is pretty darn amazing. She had arranged in her guest room, everything that was needed for each member of our family to make up a 72 hour kit. How awesome is that? All we need to do now is add water and we are good to go! So thankful for her efforts.
*Inspirational Youth Conference fireside.
We listened to THIS ASU football player and his wife speak.
It was inspiring, uplifting and so much more. So happy to have been apart of it.
My spiritual bucket was most definitely filled this weekend.
{Blessed indeed}.

What went into the 72 hour kits?
i love your weekend posts!!!
sooo fun !