* Friday morning I met up with 2 of my favorite friends for breakfast HERE.
When I first moved to Arizona 14 years ago – – I knew NO ONE except for my parents. I had ZERO friends. These 2 girls + a couple of others I cherish, came up to me on my very first day at church {singles ward} and introduced themselves, took me under their wings and invited me to hang out with them.
I will be forever grateful for them.
I’ve also vowed to ALWAYS go up to the newbies at church and say hi. Cause I totally know how it feels.
* Eye appointment afterwards.
Why do I always feel like the eye Dr. is trying to trick me with the….’which one is clearer’ game?! I swear it makes me nervous! Like I’m gonna say the wrong answer or something!
{Fun Fact: I have quite possibly the worst eye sight ever.}
* Friday night our school hosted a SPRING FLING and ART WALK complete with Food Trucks.
Local Peeps: Queso Good is where it’s at!
I had the Chicken Fajita ‘Dilla and it was DE-LISH!
We also tried the Hot Cookie Truck and OMG!!!
SUCH a fun night!
* Dateline at home afterwards.
I’m starting to think I may have a problem.
I’m honestly obsessed with this show.
* Saturday morning my mom came over and helped me make strawberry freezer jam.
I’ve never made it before {can you believe it?} and so I was a little nervous to try it out by myself.
Happy to say that it was incredibly EASY
and went incredibly FAST!
I used THIS recipe.
I used 5 packages of strawberries and made the recipe twice.
I got 14 – 1/2 pint jars of jam out of it.
I am SO excited to give it a try tomorrow morning with my Alpine Valley bread.
* Pedicures afterwards…
I’m not so sure this 6 year old realizes how lucky she is.
I’m pretty sure I never got my first pedi until I was at least a senior in highschool. And yes – they spoiled her with apple juice and fruit snacks while she was there so she pretty much thought she was the queen.
* Pinewod Derby on Saturday afternoon.
I introduce to you……
{I told Carson he should’ve named it the Weiner Wagon. He thought I was gross.}
These 2 were BEAMING the entire afternoon.
HUGE thanks to their Uncle William for helping them make such COOL cars.
It just so happens, that Joe is their CUBMASTER and the boys think it’s pretty much the coolest thing ever.
Watching their faces = priceless.
4th and 6th {out of 15} overall and no tears were shed.
A success in my book!
* Date night afterwards.
I think Joe may have been mid-bite in this picture.
Don’t tell him I posted it, k?
We tried a new restaurant that recently opened up right by our house called Tony Sacco’s and we LOVED it!
I’m usually not a fan of thin crust pizza but this stuff was YUMMY! Plus their salad with eggs and garbanzo beans beforehand was amazing!
Dessert afterwards.
Does anyone else find it shocking that Baskin Robbins now charges like $3.49 for a ONE scoop cone?!?
{Ok ok you caught me…I got the double scoop}.
I’m going to sound REALLY old when I say this but…
I can honestly remember when it was only $1.25.
Nonetheless it is HANDS DOWN my very favorite mint chocolate chip ice-cream on all of the planet.
* We attended a wedding reception afterwards for one of my cute past young women. {This REALLY makes me feel OLD!}
They had a waffle cake + an Oreo cake which I thought was genius! The groom is gluten-free and so this is what they came up with. I thought it turned out SO cute!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
* Naptime afterwards.
* AFV + Strawberry Shortcake for dessert.
Another weekend for the books!
……Feeling blessed and grateful, indeed.
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