* Friday morning began at the Gilbert Temple.
We were fortunate to be apart of a beautiful wedding held inside. The simplicity and reverence of these weddings always touches my heart.
One of the sweet young women that I taught a few years back got married to the sweetest young man and I could not be more happy for her.
I LOVE being apart of occasions like this.
* Afterwards we dropped by one of our favorite joints for some breakfast…
Fun Fact: Bosa Donuts goes above and beyond just donuts.
Their breakfast sandwiches are KILLER!
They’re my new fave thing to order.
* I pretty much ate my way through the remainder of the day.
{It sure is a good thing calories don’t count on weekends, right?}
Lunch with a dear friend for Chinese food.
Ya know how some people just GET you??
This was that friend.
We could’ve talked for hours.
* Double date night with some more fun friends. We went to a {new to us!} pizza place in Gilbert.
Super yummy.
Super New York.
We will go back.
* We attended the wedding reception of the darling girl who got married that morning, on Friday night.
Isn’t this cake fabulous?!
I thought it was STUNNING.
* Saturday morning included a basketball game for the boys.
I love that my Carson is ALWAYS {for the most part} happy.
He’s ALWAYS the one to make other kids laugh.
Team pictures afterwards.
Pretty fun having Joe as their coach.
* I feel the need to tell you that it got incredibly hot here over the weekend.
Like – – walking through an oven hot.
Like – – you wanna hibernate in your house with the A/C cranked on all day.
Like – – it’s too hot to even swim in the pool.
* It didn’t stop us though.
Another date night with fun friends was on tap for Saturday night. Dinner HERE.
{I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again – it’s my fave Mexican food in all of AZ.}
* Churchey- church on Sunday.
Joe and I had to speak in Sacrament meeting.
Neither of us get super nervous to speak in front of others but I will admit – – it is always nice to have it over with.
Our topics?
The blessings of Visiting Teaching and Home Teaching.
I shared this sweet poem in my talk and
I keep thinking about:
P.S. The month is already half over.
Have you done your Visiting Teaching yet?
You can use my FREE handout and idea HERE!

Love that poem! My church calling is to motivate the girls in my singles ward to visit teach and then report. I will definitely be sending out an email with this poem to help encourage them to serve each other! Thank you!!