London had a sick bug.
Poor thing was miserable.
Thank goodness she had Cubby to keep her warm.
{Seriously…what did we ever do without Cubby?}
I worked on orders up in my craft room for most of the day.
And London perked right on up come afternoon time when her 3rd grade teacher {best ever!} sent home some chocolate cherries for her {her FAVORITE!}
* We all stayed in on Friday night.
I made homemade creamy chicken noodle soup
{recipe coming tomorrow!}
and Joe and I watched Dateline.
It was pretty much a perfect evening.
* Saturday the kids had dance rehearsals.
We met up with my cute mom at the McDs for a beverage…
And then Saturday night I attended a super fun and festive White Elephant Gift exchange party with some of my dearest friends….
The host served Sonoran hotdogs {YUM!} and can you even believe how BIG these dogs were…???
I made it home with some of Joycee’s ‘Crack Corn’…
…so I sorta feel like I was the REAL WINNER of the night!
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
Our Sacrament meeting was on CHARITY and I just LOVE the quote that was printed on our programs…
Such good words to live by, don’tcha think?
* Sunday afternoon nap.
* We piled in the car on Sunday night and did a round of deliveries with some of our neighbor gifts.
This little tra-dish is SO much fun for us and I love that we can do it all month long leading up to Christmas!

Oh i can’t wait for that recipe I’m totally going to make it this week!! 1 month today we bring Lola home, I’m terrified and so excited all at once !!
I need that recipe for the crack corn too .. funny how the older I get the happier I am about staying in with s hot chicolate and Netflix lol
Oh and can I just say McD’s Diet Coke is my absolutely favourite ever!!!!