* Saw Hotel Transylvania.
Such a DARLING movie.
We ALL loved it. It’s a perfect Halloween-ish flick.
And Adam Sandler, as the main character, is hi-lare.
* Family pizza party with fun friends.
*FINALLY unpacked from our Disneyland trip and started laundry.
{Cue Debbie Downer Music}.
Why is coming home from vacation always so depressing?
* Went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Lamoreaux’s pool.
Although I DO sometimes wish it felt more fall-esque here…
it IS super nice to be able to swim all throughout October.
The kids had fun splashing Grandpa by performing
‘Cowabungas’ right next to him.
Translation – – Cowabungas = Cannon Balls.
*Took a short {and I mean SHORT!} nap in hopes of curing my allergies.
Man, have they been atrocious this weekend!
* Picnic at the park on Saturday night with some of our favorite friends while our
hubs’ attended the Priesthood Session at church.
* Spiritually uplifted pretty much all weekend long listening to our Prophet and other church leaders speak at General Conference.
Man it was refreshing. I feel recharged and elevated.
So So much to be grateful for in this wonderful world of ours.
* Sunday brunch with the Lamoreaux’s at our house.
I made up two of my very favorite BREAKFAST casseroles.
I’ll be sharing these recipes later this week.
* Dinner over at our fun friends’ house.
We feasted on absolutely DEE-LISH Philly Cheesesteaks.
And I mean…DEE-LISH!
* Got teary watching Parenthood with Joe from last week.
That show gets me EVERY time.
I swear I feel so emotionally invested with each character on there…
{Not to mention that I seriously want Zeek Braverman’s backyard}.
*Kids are on fall break now…they’re staying up WAY past their 7 PM bedtime tonight.
Happy Sunday!

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