Have you tried Paradise Bakery’s Chicken Stew? It is the bomb-diggity.
And have you checked out Home Goods’ holiday deocr? Oh my!
* Carson lost another tooth.
I may be biased BUT…I’m pretty sure he has the cutest toothless grin out there.
* Date night Friday night with fun friends HERE.
Their minestrone soup? Ah-MAzInG!
{And yes…I’m in a soup mood these days! We finally have cooler temps so it feels ok to indulge!}
*Saturday morning championship games.
We’ve got a little break until it all starts up again in January.
*Saturday afternoon naps.
London has been pretty sick.
Croupy cough + fever + sore throat.
*No church on Sunday because of sick kids.
{Grant got the cough too…it was just a matter of time}.
We stayed in the entire day and it was rather nice.
Truly…a day of rest today.
We made cookies and watched Elf.
{2 of my very favorite ways to kick off the holiday season!}
Cleaned out a closet. And a cupboard. And napped some more.
*We capped the long weekend off by having breakfast at
The Hangar Cafe on Monday morning.

What a fun restaurant! My boys would love that.