*Thursday night through Saturday afternoon
it was just this chickadee and myself.
So naturally we started out the weekend Friday morning by eating out at our favorite breakfast joint.
I’d like to say we had a relaxing rest of the day but we were busy busy busy!
We had Carson’s birthday party to prepare for and my craft room to clean out.
{Picture a bomb exploding in a craft room, debri everywhere, cardstock, stencils, glue, etc. everywhere possible…and that was my craft room x 100. I’m happy to say…I can now at least walk into it without tripping over my glue gun.}
* Friday night GNO with our girlfriends the Miller’s at Barro’s Pizza.
{Their ranch dressing? Seriously the bomb.}
*I stayed up until 1:00 am that night wrapping Carson’s gifts and watching the closing arguments of the Jodi Arias trial.
Yes..I am on pins and needles this week.
Team Travis all the way!
*Saturday morning donuts at our favorite local grocery store.
I love this picture for the main reason that London chose to wear her jammies out in public but NOT BEFORE grabbing a headband from her room to accessorize it.
*The boys traveled home from their Fathers and Sons Campout in the mountains on Saturday….
which was a HUGE success to say the least.
* Saturday was also CARSON’S 7th BIRTHDAY!!!!
London and I decorated the kitchen table {a family tradish}…
….and eagerly awaited their arrival home.
*Once they made it home, Carson tore open his presents like a mad man.
He got a scooter, skateboard, Wii game, t-shirt and……
And guess what? He said the deodarant was his VERY favorite present.
Back story: He’s been sneaking Joe’s deodarant on every day before school lately, claiming that he wants to ‘smell like a man!’
* The boys freshened up and we were off to the park for Carson’s BIRTHDAY bash!
Carson has a cute little friend name Cameron who has the same exact birthday as him and so we joined efforts at throwing the two boys an ANGRY BIRDS themed birthday party!
It was a HUGE success and I can’t wait to share pics and deets in the next couple of days!
* Saturday night came to a wrap back at the house with the kids and their Foster cousins laughing hysterically at silly YOUTUBE videos.
Like THIS one.
* Sunday we went to church.
{Does anyone else feel like they are serioulsy rounding up the zoo when it’s time to get kids ready for church? It’s definitely not calm and peaceful at our house on Sunday mornings. Just sayin.}
* We had Carson’s Birthday celebration numero DOS on Sunday night with
Joe’s side of the family.
The evening consisted of: chicken nachos, homemade beans, homemade salsa, chocolate silk pie, a water gun fight, jumping on the trampoline with Uncle Ryan and a mean game of Just Dance 4 with Uncle William.
Oh yeah….and we made sangrias.
The non-alcoholic kind of course!
I’ll be sharing the recipe for this tasty, kid friendly beverage later this week as well.
Needless to say….I was POOPED today.
Grateful for such fun opportunities and family times!

haha, Marci, most Saturdays I try and clean my house, iron clothes for sunday etc.. every other sunday dayna has to work, so I have all 3 kids to get ready, by the time I leave for church, my throat hurts from yelling, my house looks like a disaster, and i my blood pressure is through the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do your kids ever fight much? they always look SOOOOO happy…!!
I feel like getting my kids ready for church is like herding cats.. ( sigh ) and they are older!