* Friday was NFL day at school.
The Panthers, Bengals and Cardinals REPRESENT!
While the kiddies were off learning – – I was off running errands……
I had high hopes that ALL of B&B Works Fall/Halloween collection would be out — but sadly it wasn’t.
Their candles weren’t even on sale, so I left empty handed.
{Don’t worry – I may have consoled myself with a cupcake.}
I headed home and played around with my new Silhouette machine that I am like MAJORLY excited about.
LOTS of new stuff rolling out in my Etsy shop SOON!
* Friday night was date night.
Father/Daughter night & Mother/Sons night.
My boys picked Texas Roadhouse for our date.
It was a win! win!
Goonies was watched afterwards {the TV version}….
…..while I made some major progress on cleaning up my craft room.
* Saturday morning I helped one of my favorite friends celebrate her birthday with breakfast HERE.
{Seriously yummy. Their biscuits were to die for.}
Love this girl!
* Basketball game afterwards…
Sadly – – we were the team with only 6 points at the end of the game. Sigh. Ya win some ya lose some!
* Saturday night I had dinner with these lovely ladies while Joe and the boys watched the ASU game. {Sad loss}.
My girlfriend was out of town for the evening so lucky for US – – we got to keep them overnight and take them to church with us the next day.
Sharp bunch, right?
* The rest of the day was spent relaxing, grilling cheeseburgers and watching AFV as a family.
Happy Labor Day Weekend!!!
Before we know it – – it’ll be Christmas.

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