* Friday morning I was up at the crack of dawn.
{Wayyyyyy earlier than I’m used to – – 5:00am!}
I was in charge of a teacher appreciation breakfast up at the school and there were donuts to be picked up and yogurt parfaits to be made.
We got to give away $250 worth of gift cards in a raffle and hands down that’s my favorite part. Seeing the teacher’s reactions when I bring their prize into their room – – makes my day.
Our school had their annual ‘Squawk Dash’ on Friday and it really is the best thing ever. All the proceeds they earn go directly back to our school.
Each grade level runs the obstacle course {complete with inflatables} at a different time and the kids have SO much fun!
Our PTO ROCKS for putting this on.
* Dinner at Chick Fila with the kids on Friday night.
Does anyone know if they sell their Chick Fila sauce in a bottle? How about their Ranch? They’re both SO good.
* Saturday morning we attended a wedding for one of my darling young women from a few years back.
It was held inside my favorite place on earth.
{I heart this place even MORE than Disneyland if you can believe it.}
Such a special morning.
So blessed to have been apart of it.
Saturday night = the reception.
How stunning is this couple?
London was all googly eyed over the bride.
* Afterwards we hit up a very sketchy Carniceria for some carne asada to grill on Sunday..
This place is SO skeevy but…has come highly recommended
to us. The meat came in a bag. Gulp.
*Churchey-church on Sunday.
Our new time of 2:30 in the afternoon turned out to be…..
quite enjoyable!
I’m probably in the minority when I say….
I actually LOVED it!
We slept in.
Played games as a family.
Watched THIS church movie {ps if you ever wanna know all that went into building the Salt Lake City LDS temple – – you should watch it. It also accurately portrays and talks about the covenants and ordinances that are done inside of the temple.} It is SO good.
* We came straight home from church and grilled the above mentioned carne asada and had fajitas.
Proud to announce – – it was SUPER DUPER yummy.
AS WAS – – their tortillas and their pico de gallo.
Oh we’ll be back alright to that skeevy little place.
{The Coombs fam LOVES us some authentic mexican food.}
Week 1 of Spring Break is up.
On tap for tomorrow:
* Seeing Zootopia with fun friends.
My kids are so excited for this movie they can hardly stand it.

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