* Friday morning started back at the Gilbert temple.
If you are local and you have never driven by or walked around the grounds – – you MUST! Their stained glass windows are my FAVORITE. They just SHINE on the inside.
* The rest of the day was spent party prepping for our annual {couples only} Valentine’s Party.
Errands…cleaning…and odds and ends.
* I met up with some of my favorite lady friends for appetizers on Friday night…
All three of these gorgeous women have taught my children in elementary school. I feel so blessed to have had them as teachers AND friends!
* Saturday morning breakfast at our FAVE donut shop!
Grant had dance practice…
We sure love the kids’ dance studio.
*Saturday night was our Valentine’s party.
We had some of our favorite couples over and it was OH SO FUN! There were 22 of us all together and we laughed our heads off!
I made up a big baked ziti with garlic cheesey bread and assigned out all of the sides, appetizers, salads and desserts.
As for party favors {cuz every party needs em!π} I whipped up these labels and put them on every couple’s favorite 2 liter soda bottle…
{I’ll be posting these as an Instant download in my Etsy shop later today!}
We played a ‘Not-so-Newlywed’ game and had a white elephant gift exchange. I had each couple bring 2 gifts.
1 naughty + 1 nice
Joe and I laughed so hard our stomachs hurt!
That eagle was the HIT of the gift exchange.
And NOT because it had some lotto tix wrapped around it’s neck! π
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
Our Relief Society lesson was all about FINDING JOY and it was so good for my soul. One of my favorite quotes brought out from this lesson…..“The greater the sorrow, the greater capacity we have to feel joy.”
I just love that.
* We headed over to our friends’ house for a little Super Bowl party on Sunday night.
{Pic taken before Tiff’s husband arrivedπ}
Gosh, we love this bunch.
{Halb’s we missed you!}
We have pretty much raised our kids together and they’ve just become like family to us.π
We had everything from pulled pork sandwiches, meatballs and pasta salad to oodles of chips, dips and desserts.
{Side note: If you have not tried this
Bacon Cream Cheese Dip yet – – you must!}
JT killed it at halftime – as expected.
And I LOVED that the Eagles won because #underdogs.
You always gotta root for the underdogs, right?
We went home on Sunday night with our tummies full and our hearts full{er}.
Such a FUN weekend!!!!
Now…onto watching the OLYMPICS this week! – –
Who’s excited???

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