* Friday consisted of errands, packing the boys up for their campout and creating my February Ministering tags.
Once Joe and the boys took off, London and I headed straight over to my SIL’s house to pick up my nieces for a ‘girls night sleepover‘.
London had been anticipating this night ALL week long.
First stop…
Next stop…
A YUMMY new cookie shop in town that serves the most DELICIOUS cookies hot from the oven. It was FREE cookie night becuase of their grand opening and we just couldn’t resist.
Warm chocolate chip cookies are pretty much my love language.
The girls laughed their way through the rest of the evening back home while I got some work done on my computer.
{New stuff to share SOON and I’m SO excited about it!}
* Saturday morning London had dance so I went to the church to practice the dreaded organ and then I treated myself to some breakfast.
The boys returned home from their campout around
4:00 pm…dirty, sweaty, happy and exhausted.
And you know what that meant for me?
Stuck with oodles of dirty, campfire smelling,
muddy laundry to do.
I ignored the laundry and we ditched the kids for the evening and Joe and I headed down to Phoenix to my brother’s place for dinner.
Kirk and Adam have the COOLEST little house in downtown Phoenix with the COOLEST yard. They treated us to grilled pork loin, roasted potatoes and caulifower and it couldn’t have been tastier. We love spending time with them and their two pups.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
I’m really appreciating the 2 hour block – – who’s with me?
Apparently while I was up on the stand playing the organ, London passed Joe a note….
Seriously…I could not love her MORE!!!
* We headed over to our dear friends’ house on Sunday night for a little Super Bowl party.
The food was delish….
…and the company was even better!
Thank goodness because wasn’t that a BORING game?
I was even a tad disappointed in the commercials + the half time show. {Who else thinks we could’ve used maybe 2 more songs from Big Boi?}
Grateful for such FUN friends to spend the evening with!

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