* Friday morning I woke up with big ambitions to do house work, laundry, etc…..but then I remembered it was Mother’s Day weekend {for cryin out loud} and decided that it was AOK if I went shopping instead. ๐
Walking around Home Goods with no objective is one of my very favorite things to do. And how dang cute are these succulent place card holders from there?!?
My shopping excursion was cut short when one of my children {who shall remain nameless} called me from school saying that they had forgotten something at home and needed me to bring it up. ๐ณ
Instead of getting mad, bugged and irritated {per usual}….I kindly went home, picked up said item, dropped it by the school….and then thanked my lucky stars that I have KIDS who NEED me! I followed this up by stopping at Sodalicious and rewarding myself with this:
This combo just DOES it for me, ya know?
* Friday afternoon/evening was spent celebrating Carson’s birthday with a few friends HERE.
This place is a MUST if you are local.
I’m thinking of taking my kids there this summer at least once a week.
Pizza, cake and presents back home afterwards…
Joe and I topped the night off with a Dateline – you know cause we’re romantic like that.
* Saturday morning consisted of donuts.
I worked away in my craft room for most of the afternoon doing this and that + making my friend a wreath…
All she told me was that she wanted something PINK and with LEMONS and I think this may be my favorite wreath, yet.
* Date night Saturday night HERE.
I swear I crave this place like once a year.
It’s super yummy and I LOVE the cute little store attached to it.
Also worth mentioning: Joe and I were the youngest couple there by at least 20 years. LoL.
* We shopped around afterwards and as soon as I saw this sign, I took a pic and sent it to my mom.
This sign is TOTALLY ME!
I loathe ironing.
My mom on the other hand, irons EVERYTHING!
Including pillowcases.
* Mother’s Day on Sunday started out with Grant giving his very first talk EVER in Sacrament meeting. I was SO proud of him. He wrote his talk entirely by himself and I’m pretty sure I was beaming the entire time.
My fingers are CROSSED that London wants to match me on Mother’s Day for the rest of her life. I love this little tra-dish we have and dread her teenage years when this probably won’t fly. ๐
* We headed over to my sister’s house afterwards to SKYPE with my nephew who is serving a mission in Barcelona, Spain!
For those that don’t know….LDS missionaries are only allowed to call home 2 x a year. On Christmas and on Mother’s Day. So it’s a PRETTY BIG DEAL.
We are SO proud of this kid and the good he is doing.
* We headed over to Joe’s parents house afterwards to visit.
I don’t care HOW big my kids get – – they will always love playing with legos, blocks and these thing-a-ma-bobers.
I just know it!
* Dinner at my parents house.
We tried to talk my mom out of cooking but she insisted and not only did she insist but she made my favorite meal EVER.
Roastbeef and gravy with cooked carrots, dreamy mashed potatoes, rolls and watermelon.
P.S.How on earth did I forget to take a pic of me and my mom on MOTHER’S DAY!?!

Oh we need to hang out at home good and drink a diet coke. .my 2 favorite things lol