* Our Friday looked a lot like this….
Grant came down with strep throat.
London came down with it 24 hours before.
It was fun times at our house.
*That afternoon, once I was sure London’s antibiotics had started to kick in – – we ran over to the libaray to stock up on books.
Is it normal for a grown woman such as myself to ADORE childrens books SO MUCH? I LOVE reading them with London. THIS one and THIS one are our ALL TIME family favorites – – we’ve been reading them since the boys were babies.
* Saturday morning Joe went off to golf for Father’s Day {yes…in 120 degree heat!} and Grant’s meds had started to kick in a little so we ran out around lunch time to run a couple of errands.
My car died.
And we had just spent $$$$ the day before to get it all tuned up for our trip.
It was awesome.
{Side note: Thankful for Sun Devil Auto – – they rock!}
Not so awesome?!
Waiting for an hour with these crazies.
{Kidding, not kidding}.
I had to separate the 3 of them more than I count.
The workers at the shop were probably more than ready to see us go.
All was well in the world again though when we stopped for lunch at our favorite mexican joint.
A Diet Coke + warm, salty chips make EVERYTHING better.
Things got EVEN better when we went to see….
Gosh, has Pixar EVER made a bad movie?!?
This one is SOOOO cute.
Add it to the list of faves!
* Father’s Day on Sunday.
Doesn’t fatherhood look good on Joe?
He makes our family life SO fun.
We attended church with my cute parents at their ward….
How lucky am I to have my dad {and mom} live just down the road?! And how is it that I never really realize just how tall my husband is until he stands right next to my dad? LoL.
Also worth mentioning…….
the BEST photobomb EVER happened!!!
Afterwards, we headed back to my parents house for dinner.
The cutest girls came to eat with us.
See that cute girl on the right?
I used to babysit her back when I was barely 12 years old and she was only a newborn!!!
And see her cute mom on the far left – – she was one of my mom’s young women back in the day. She knew ME back when I was just in diapers.
We grew to love their sweet family OH SO MUCH!!!
It was SO fun to reconnect and reminisce with them.
{It made me feel REALLY old, too.}
We finished the night off by watching Game 7 of the NBA finals. Sad to see Golden State lose but happy for LeBron.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As mentioned – – – it’s been 120 degrees here since Saturday.
Out of state people ask me all the time what it’s like to live here in AZ in the summer time.
It’s simple really.
Just like COLD state people stay indoors in the bitter winter – – that’s what we do here. We run our errands first thing in the morning or late at night once the sun has gone down.
Instead of sledding – – we swim!
Instead of building fires – – we crank down the A/C.
Your hot chocolate is our popsicles.
And if I’m being honest – – I’ll take this dry, oven-like heat ANY day over the humidity. And snow.

You nailed it! My mom used to ask me when we lived in AZ how we did it. And I explained it just like you did….we run from air-conditioned house to air-conditioned car to air-conditioned building in the summer, as well as lots of swimming…..whereas in the winter, they ran from heated house to heated car to heated building and back…..simple!
I don't like hot and humid. I love the snow, and rain. 🙂