* My Friday morning started out at Ikea.
They have cute little succulents!
So much cute stuff to look around at.
{Fun Fact: My husband would rather eat his own toenails than shop at IKEA. True story.}
Also: Why are their Sweedish meatballs SO dang good?
*Grocery shopping afterwards.
This sight makes me HAPPY!
Watermelon season is back!!!!!
* Somehow I ended up with a carload of girlies on Friday afternoon and when you have a carload of girlies…treats are necessary.
McDonalds cones for the WIN!
* We celebrated Carson’s birthday on Friday night.
Dinner at the restaurant of his choice: The Olive Garden.
{Why have their prices gotten so high? It is not a cheap place to take your family. Just sayin. Also: I’m sounding like my Dad now ๐}
He was SO elated because so many family members were able to come and celebrate with us!
It was a fun night for sure and Carson left feeling loved AND stuffed from all the breadsticks.
* Saturday morning birthday festivities!
How and WHY do teenage kids want Crocs again?!?
I’m baffled, but whatever.
Carson’s only wish for his birthday party this year was to take a couple of friends to Big Surf – a waterpark in Tempe.
We had never been before and so it was FUN for everyone!
We grilled burgers at our house afterwards {another one of Carson’s requests!}…
…and ended the evening with cake and ice-cream.
{Another fun fact: When Carson was little, he used to call ‘yellow’ cake…..‘blonde’ cake and so it’s now ‘blonde’ cake for the rest of our lives because ๐ป๐ป๐ป}.
Cannot believe he is officially a teenager.
I have TWO teenagers now.
What the heck is going on?!?
We are SO proud of Cars and the sweet kid he is.
* Churchey-church on Sunday.
I set my alarm for early to get the good stuff goin in the crockpots for Cinco de Mayo dinner!
I wish I’d have taken pics cause it was a feast! But I didn’t.
We had some fun friends over for dinner to help us celebrate and we had such a a great time!
We also discovered that Joe can’t do a cartwheel.
But neither can I because I’d for sure pee my pants even trying.
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to most of the country!
I’ve got some EASY printable tags in my Etsy shop that make gift giving a BREEZE this time of year – – check em out!

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