We promised Carson a little get together with friends and family at our home after his baptism on Saturday. He got to choose the theme – – and it was NO surprise that he chose a MUSTACHE theme.
{He’s obsessed with mustaches.}
It was SO much fun to plan and prepare for.
We served all different types of desserts…
Mustache Sugar Cookies
Mint Oreo Truffles
For beverages we kept it easy and just served water.
Water bottle labels are from SIMONEmadeit on Etsy.
I found the mustache piñata from Hobby Lobby.
I found packages of stick on mustaches at Walmart – 5 for $1.
The guests had LOTS of fun putting them on.
{Some even used em as uni-brows. Lol.}
Every party needs a take home favor, right?
I purchased these foam mustaches during Valentine’s season and never used em.
They were perfect!
Carson was pleased as punch with the afternoon.
He was surrounded by his favorite friends, family and teachers and we could not have been more happy!
My sister gave him this cute little treat at his baptism…
A KIT KAT candybar.
Isn’t that clever?!

You're killing me, Marci ~ how do you stay so slim and have all those good treats around you all the time?? Darling party, you are sooooooooooooo talented I can't believe it!!